Friday, 23 November 2018

Rapide integration with Studio Developer

Rapide is IET's product for developing advanced, multi-platform user interfaces with CA Gen. To enable the design of user interfaces that support more advanced features than the standard Gen toolset, Rapide provides a toolset plug-in that is used to specify additional properties in the UI design, for example responsive layouts where the size & position of controls adjusts automatically to fit the device or window size.

The disadvantage of the plug-in feature of the Gen toolset is that the plug-ins need to be opened as a separate window to the main UI designer, so when we developed the new UI designer for Studio Developer, provision was made to include the additional control types and properties for Rapide.

In the screenshot below, note the annotations on the controls to indicate how they are tracked, and also the ability to specify the Rapide properties for the selected listbox control.

The control toolbar on the left allows the developer to design the standard Gen controls (push buttons, literals, fields, etc.) as well as the additional controls supported by Rapide like sliders, tabs, java controls, etc.

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