Tuesday, 2 June 2020

IET Community

With the launch of the new IET Community site, any new posts will now be made there.

Monday, 30 March 2020

View Descriptions

A recent idea posted on the CA Gen forum was to allow NOTE statements to be defined for views so that views could be better described, especially when their purpose is not easily documented in the view name. Whilst the CA Gen toolset allows you to enter a description for a view,

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Multiple Row Template Designs

Row Templates is a feature in Rapide that allows the data in a group view to be presented in a more sophisticated style compared to the standard row/column approach.

Thursday, 16 January 2020

Action Diagram Bookmarks

A customer recently requested a new feature for the Studio Developer Action Diagram editor.

They wanted the ability to add bookmarks into the action diagram so that they could quickly and easily move between different sections. For example, if you have to edit code in different places and move up  and down between them, rather than trying to find the locations by scrolling up and down, it is much easier to place a couple of bookmarks and then jump between them.