Monday, 23 February 2015

Rapide App Server Console

When we recently started a series of web seminars we wanted a system to allow attendees to register for the seminars, receive a calendar reminder and also be able to view recordings of past events.

Since the first four events were on Rapide, we decided to create a new event management system using Rapide. Whilst this is a simple application, it demonstrates some of the powerful capabilities of the product, including frames, row templates and placing images into listbox rows.

Instead of running the application in a traditional application server like JBoss or WebSphere, we decided to use the in-built OSGi server that comes with Rapide. However one issue that cropped up with running a production application was the ability to see who was currently using the system. We wanted to know this so that if we decided to deploy a new version of the application, we could do so without disrupting any users who were currently logged on.

This have rise to a new feature in Rapide called the Application Server System Console. The console lists all of the sessions currently active, when the session was started and last accessed as well as the current p-step name, platform and browser/mobile device version.

The console is available for use with both the OSGi server and also if a Rapide application is deployed using a traditional application server.

It also allows the administrator to prevent new users logging on and also to send messages to currently active users, for example to inform them that the system is about to be updated.