Friday, 22 August 2014

Push Notification for Mobile Devices

The next release of Rapide will support Push Notification for mobile devices. Push Notification allows your device to receive messages via the Apple Push Notification service (APNs) for iOS and Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) for Android.

If the App is not active the device can display a notification message in the standard notification area and for iOS also set a badge number and play a sound to notify the user that some action is required in the app.

Message received for the sample RapChat app on an iPAD. Clicking on the message opens the app.

Message received for the sample RapChat app on an Android tablet

Swipe down the message area. Clicking on the message opens the app.

Friday, 8 August 2014

Badge Numbers on iOS

On iOS devices, it is common to use a badge number to draw the user's attention to items that need actioning, for example unread emails. A Rapide app can now set and clear a badge number via the Rapide mobile API.